
Calling this done. Windows 7 upgrades will continue as part of the Win 10 upgrade project, but we believe that we've resolved all of the lingering issues related to the Windows 7 patch.

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We're resolving the issues as quickly as we're able. We'll mark as resolved when all affected machines have been upgraded to Win10.

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We have received several reports of Windows 7 laptops suddenly unable to boot after receiving patches through Windows Update. We have discovered a bad patch that is being pushed from Microsoft, and are attempting to remediate. These patches are no longer being pushed from our management tools, and the issue has been confirmed by the Windows 7 community.

We will continue to work on a resolution, and will contact those affected as soon as possible. If you have a Windows 7 machine which is no longer booting appropriately, please let us know asap by submitting a help desk ticket, so that we can track and resolve these issues systematically.

Another notification will be sent out once we have a resolution, and the issue reported as resolved when all reported instances have been remediated.

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